While a logo is small, it plays a meaningful part in representing a project-and community-at large. To help capture the meaning of local wind in Coles County, we worked with local schools to source inspiration for logo designs. Each of the below designs were inspired by submissions from local artists: Aftyn Oliver and Lily Porter
Help us decide which should symbolize our project! Vote below for your favorite design below and share with your friends and family.
The winner will receive a $5,000 scholarship and the runner up will receive a $1,000 scholarship. An honorable mention for the 3rd place winner Logan Lito, who submitted beautiful artwork that impressed our team – but unfortunately can’t be included in the final voting because it depicts a certain famous president from Illinois. Logan was awarded $1,000 for 3rd place.
The contest will run through June 30th, 2022 at 10:00 PM CST.
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A: Corn
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Corn
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Corn
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Corn
A: Corn
A: Corn
A: Turtle
A: Corn
A: Turtle
A: Turtle
A: Corn
A: Turtle
A: Corn
A: Corn